SP WhatsApp V38 Lastest Version Download Now
Antivirus And Antibanned Whatsapp
Mod By SPMods
- Base Update: Updated to - Play Store
- Exclusive: Added Call Rejection type options
- Exclusive: Double Tap to Like 👍 a msg!
- Enable: Privacy "my contacts except..." feature
- Added: Drawer Color Change options
- Added: Know who blocked you
- Enable: Video upload quality
- Enable: Elevating profile and profile name
- Enable: Send any emoji as reactions. Click "+" icon
- Enable: Listen to voice note after chat exit in background
- Added: "No internet (stays "Calling")" option for Call rejection type 📲👻
- Added: "Direct Contact Link" option for chats (Chat > 3-dots).
- — Allows you to share any whatsapp contact quickly, without sending your saved details
- Added: Confirm before sending Status (image/video) option
- Added: "Chat Backup" option to crash page
- Added: more in-chat translate languages: "Vietnamese", "Tamil", "Urdu", "Gujarati", "Punjabi", "Bengali"
- Added: Ability to set "Search Web" or use Emoji for Profile Photo
- Misc: SPThemes and Backup/Restore settings page now show folder location
- Misc: SPThemes folder moved to /Download/SPThemes
- Misc: Now can be installed on top of other mods directly.
- Improved: Start moving to WA new folder location
- Improved SPMods settings Translation
- Misc: Improved Anti-ban
- Misc: Many other fixes and improvements that we forgot
📌More features and improvements!
(Unclone version | com.whatsapp)
To install this version you need to uninstall the official version of WhatsApp.
(Clone version | com.spwhatsapp )
you can use this for your second number. You don't need to uninstall the official WhatsApp to use this app.